
Irish Powerlifting Federation Calendar 2025

Until we have started selling entries for a competition, dates and venues are subject to change.

Calendar 2025

DateEventSanctionVenueTickets & Results
February 1st - 2ndFebruary OpenIrishPFPhenom Gym, CorkFlight Details
February 9th - 16thMasters EurosEPFAlbi, France
February 20th - 23rdEuropean University CupEPFHamm, Luxembourg
March 8thUniversity OpenIrishPFPhenom Gym, Cork
March 8th - 9thUniversity NationalsIrishPFPhenom Gym, CorkFlight Details
March 18th - 23rdOpen EurosEPFMalaga, Spain
April 5th - 6thApril OpenIrishPFUrban Barbell, LimerickGeneral Sale Jan 12th at 9am
April 26th - 27thJunior NationalsIrishPFMaldron Hotel, Tallaght
May 17th - 18thMay OpenIrishPFGainforth Gym, Belfast
May 17th - 25thBench WorldsIPFDrammen, Norway
June 8th - 15thOpen WorldsIPFChemnitz, Germany
June 28thMasters NationalsIrishPFMarina Market, Cork
June 29thSummer OpenIrishPFMarina Market, Cork
July 19th - 20thJuly OpenIrishPFKAOS Gym, Kildare
July 21st - 26thUniversity CupIPFIstanbul, Turkiye
August 16th - 17thAugust OpenIrishPFGainforth Gym, Belfast
August 29th - September 7thJunior WorldsIPFSan Jose, Costa Rica
September 5th - 7thWestern EurosEPFPornainen, Finland
September 20th - 21stSeptember OpenIrishPFPhenom Gym, Cork
September 22nd - 28thBench EurosEPFValetta, Malta
October 12th - 19thMasters WorldsIPFCape Town, South Africa
November 15th - 16thOpen NationalsIrishPFPillo Hotel, Ashbourne, Meath
November 30th - December 7thJunior EurosEPFDruskininkai, Lithuania
December TBCDecember OpenIrishPFTBC
TBCBench NationalsIrishPFTBC

We will advertise upcoming competitions on our Facebook Page and IrishPF Discussion Group on Facebook.