IrishPF Executive Committee AnnouncementÂ
Jay Farrant, one of the founders of the current Irish Powerlifting Federation and an integral part of its growth, has resigned from his position as Head Coach and President of the IrishPF.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Jay for everything he has done for the federation over the years. Not many people know the sheer amount of hard work and effort that Jay has put into the IrishPF for no personal gain, simply to see the sport grow and improve the experience for members. Not only have the standards of meets improved thanks to him but he has also put Ireland on the map internationally, building a more competitive National team, which has huge potential for the future.
We would like to wish Jay the best of luck with his future and are excited to see how he continues to grow the sport of powerlifting in Ireland going forward as we believe providing more opportunities for lifters to compete will be a positive thing.
In terms of Committee structure, Ally O’Reilly (current VP) will step in as Interim President and Karen Barry (current Records & Membership Officer and longest standing member of the committee) will step in as Interim Vice-President until the next AGM in March 2024, when these positions will be up for re-election.