IrishPF AGM 2022 Agenda, Motions & Nominations

The AGM will take place over Zoom on Sunday, 10th April 2022 at 14:00.All members will receive a Zoom link on the morning of the AGM. Agenda 1. Welcome  2. Roll call and quorum establishment  3. President’s address 4. Treasurer’s address 5. Head Coach address 6. Technical Director’s address 7. Anti-Doping update 8. Motions 9.…

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IrishPF Nationals 2022 Recap

ABS and Jay Farrant put on an incredible show this past weekend showcasing the best male and female lifters in Ireland.  Thank you to all who helped out over the weekend. Admin, referees, spotters and loaders; no competition can run without these people. Thank you for the time and effort you put in.  Congratulations to…

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IPF Weight Class Change and National Team Selection

Dear members, We are delighted to announce that the IPF will be introducing two new weight classes to the female division in 2021. The 72kg class will be dropped on the 1st of January and a new 69kg and 76kg class will be introduced. This brings the total number of classes in the Male and…

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Irish Powerlifting Federation Competition Modifications (COVID-19)

The Irish Powerlifting Federation will be implementing a number of strategies for the safety of lifters, volunteers and spectators at the upcoming competitions planned for October, November and December. These precautions will be reviewed in accordance with Government guidelines as the dates approach  and are subject to change. All attendees (lifters, coaches, officials, volunteers, media…

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